Friday, August 04, 2006


ISO 100, 8", f/3.2

This photograph was taken during an extremely cold night in late February of this year. The mound in the foreground is simply a pile of gravel left over from the tearing down of the Park East Freeway. In the distance, gray clouds threaten snow but the Pfister & Vogel building stands unimpressed.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,
bluesphee at Mirr World suggested I get in touch with you for camera shopping advice. I want a digital camera that has a powerful optical zoom (for concert photography) and that also has the ability to record short video clips. Any advice would be most appreciated. I am willing to spend some money, but I don't want to spend an insane amount of money. I'd even buy a gently-used camera. Please respond here or at my site: Thanks!

bluesphee said...

This photo makes me want to mow grass